Western Suburban Wrestling League (WSWL)
Black Fox Wrestling Academy is also a member of the Western Suburban Wrestling League.
All WSWL Tournaments are held on Sundays.
WSWL registration is the exact opposite of P2P. Parents must register their child directly on Trackwrestling for WSWL tournaments as our club does not handle WSWL registrations. For details on tournament dates, locations, and schedules, please visit the WSWL events website located here: wswleague.com/wswl-events
All intermediate & elite kids are expected to register and compete in the Experienced division. You may only compete in the Novice division if this is your first year of wrestling, regardless of whether or not you have competed previously.
Please ensure you enter your child's grade and weight accurately. The weight you enter will dictate the weight bracket your wrestler is placed in. You will be allowed to enter separation criteria where you can honestly choose your wrestlers skill level - beginner, average, good, or excellent. Be Honest. Chase tough matches, not wins.
WSWL is straight-line bracketing, and not round robin like P2P. You may get as few as two matches if your wrestler goes 0-2. You could get as many as 4-5 matches depending on bracket size and success. WSWL will spot check kids weights if challenged and if you are not within 2lbs of what you registered for, the club is penalized, you may be removed from the bracket and/or tournament and more importantly, it tarnishes the club reputation. Be honest.
If we don’t have the WSWL tournament on the SportsYou Calendar, it is not considered a club event and we will not have coaching available at the tournament. For events we do have on the calendar, we do our best to have enough coaches at tournaments, but we never have enough coaching coverage to make all matches. Please be patient with our coaches as they scramble to get to as many matches as they can. Please plan on arriving at the tournament 45-60 minutes before your session starts.
On the day of the tournament you can locate your wrestlers' bracket, and bout numbers by going to www.usabracketing.com. Once at usabracketing.com, you can search for events to locate the WSWL tournament. Click Search Events at the top of the screen and type in 'WSWL' in the Event Name box and click search. This will show you the WSWL tournaments and you can choose the one in which you are competing in. You can click on and enter the event and then search brackets, divisions, choose specific wrestlers, etc.
Your wrestler's age group is determined by their age as of Sept 1st of this season.
Wrestlers will be divided by age, weight, and ability. No Seeding. All scratch weights.
Double Bracketing is allowed. Wrestlers may move up one age group or one eight above their current weight group.
USA card required for each wrestler (these can be purchased at usawmembership.com).
All Coaches need a USA coach’s card (worn visibly) to coach mat-side, and can be purchased at themat.com (Background Check Required - process takes up to 5 business days).