South Suburban Wrestling League (sSWL)
Black Fox Wrestling Academy is also a member of the South Suburban Wrestling League.
All SSWL Tournaments are held on Sundays.
Black Fox is also a member of the SSWL. Our membership in this league is designed exclusively for our first and second-year wrestlers. This league is a lot more relaxed than P2P and WSWL and is perfect for kids under the age of 10 who are in their first or second year of wrestling.
SSWL Bylaws:
All wrestling clubs will act and participate within the best interest of the league.
There is a no coaching policy during live competition bouts at SSWL events (Tournaments, Duals, Scrimmages, or Joint Practices) No exceptions. Coaches, parents, and family members can encourage the competitors during the actual competition, but any specific instruction or coaching should be done once the wrestler has concluded competition.
It is expected SSWL teams, each club educate their families as to the no-coaching rule.
It is the responsibility of the wrestling club’s administrators, coaches, and parents to demonstrate good sportsmanship and behavior at all times. Abusive behavior towards any wrestler, coach, parents, or official will not be tolerated.
Any un-sportsmanlike action deemed inappropriate by the host of an event will be met with immediate consequences. The offending party may be asked to leave the event. The host administrator reserves the right to stop an event from continuing, until the offending party has left the venue. If the offending party is resistant to leaving the venue, consider involving security or local law enforcement. If the League President is in attendance, he/she will assist the host administrator in the removal of the offending party. If the President is not in attendance, the host administrator should contact the SSWL President to discuss the matter shortly after the event has concluded. Together they will determine an appropriate response. The President will inform all parties of the consequences and outcomes of the situation.
If a participating wrestler is disqualified, or a club coach is asked to leave from a league-sponsored match or tournament for unsportsmanlike conduct, the SSWL would ask that he/she not participate in the next (1) league-sponsored match or league-sponsored tournament.
Wrestler Registration:
Coaches need to register wrestlers via the spreadsheet provided.
Register wrestlers only if they are committed to competing on tournament day. Please do not register “maybe” wrestlers!
The registration deadline is Friday at 7:00pm. Late entries will not be allowed, there will be no exceptions to this.
Wrestlers need to be entered by age (as of September 1), weight, and ability level.
Ability Levels have changed and are as follows.
A (Experienced) - Highest ability level regardless of years wrestling. Wrestlers are seeking competitive competition. Wrestlers are either entering P2P or WSWL tournaments or are looking to do so in the near future.
B (Intermediate) - Wrestler with 3 - 4 years of experience and have started to progress in the sport. The wrestler enjoys wrestling and wants to compete more frequently.
C (Novice) - Beginner wrestler who has 1 - 2 years of experience and is more focused on developing a love for wrestling.
For female wrestlers please indicate if they are competing in either the boys/COED bracket, Girls Bracket or Both brackets!
4-person round robin brackets or 8-person brackets with the goal of getting most wrestlers at least 3 matches.
Once the wrestlers are sent to a mat, they should stay there until they have wrestled all their matches. All the brackets will be filled out at the table where they wrestle & the awards will be presented mat-side.
Awards: Medals for 1st place; Ribbons for 2nd , 3rd & 4th place.
Admission: $2.00 for adults – Cash or Venmo. Coaches, wrestlers, and Children are free.
Concessions Stand: Will be available with pizza provided for table help.
Club Responsibilities:
Each club will run one mat/table. Clubs will need to provide a stopwatch, ankle bands, and one flip chart.
Clubs will need to have a club coach at the mat at all times to ensure that the bracketing is done correctly as well as officiating the matches and handling any problems that may occur.
Clubs will need three people: one for each responsibility: referee, timer, score keeper.
Each club needs to pay Tournament fee of $150.